interests cars 1978 dodge van customized

Lynn and I bought this panel van empty and, pretty much, built up a custom RV from scratch.
We bought four captain's chairs and a rear bench seat that made into a bed.
We had a local shop do a custom interior finish in brown vinyl and add the large side windows.
I carpeted the interior and built custom redwood cabinets, one with a sink.
I carved a heavy cedar bumper for the back.
We accessorized with natural wood light fixtures.

In 1980, Lynn and I and our one year old, Wyatt, took my parents on a round-the-country road trip.
We drove from Los Angeles across a south-central route to Florida, up the east coast to Maine, and back to Los Angeles by way of Minnesota.

We really have some good memories about this labor of love.

Owned: Jul 18, 1978 - May 29, 1988

unless noted otherwise all images copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc

1978 Dodge van, Burbank, California, USA, 1978.

1978 Dodge van, interior during conversion, Burbank, California, USA, 1978.
In this picture, I have finished the redwood cabinets and carpeting,
but the headliner and side panels have not been installed.

1978 Dodge van, Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA, 1982.
We took several weekend drives into the Rockies looking for ghost towns
during the four months I worked for Parsons on the Stapleton Airport.

1978 Dodge van, Rockies, Colorado, USA, 1982.

1978 Dodge van, Yachats, Oregon, USA, 1984.

copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc
page last revised february 2020